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Ok, so I admit, it's not everyday you see a peacock strolling down the middle of the road in rural Australia. I see pleanty of roos, belted galaways, wombats and the odd snake, it is the country, but I had to have my husband turn the ute around with a tonne of road base in it just to get a pic. It was one of those, "did that really just happen" moments- did our eyes really witness a peacock in the middle of the road! Of course we laughed senselessly, after the shock of the noise it made stopped ringing in our ears. I might have got a fright and screamed alittle, just a tad...

No doubt it had wondered from a yard of one of the many gorgeous properties or B&B's in the area. I'm still thinking, fancy that...not every day! We stayed with Mr Peacock until it eventually got off the road and was safely in a yard, thats what you do around here... that's how we roll.

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